Forbes CMO Practice

Marketing Accountability Report Executive Summary

A CEO Blueprint for Driving Enterprise Value by Maximizing The Effectiveness Of Sales And Marketing Investments, Strategies and Actions

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Learn how marketers quantify and communicate the value they create.

Marketing accountability has emerged as a CEO level issue in a rapidly changing marketplace where intangible assets make up 84% of shareholder value – and brand equity, customer relationships, organic growth rates and innovation increasingly drive stock price.

New research from the Forbes CMO Practice reveals that marketing contributes more value to the enterprise than ever, despite increasing pressure to demonstrate the financial contribution of rising ($1 trillion) investments in marketing assets, media and technology in terms of growing sales, profits and enterprise value.

This report, with contributions from more than 800 CMOs and 50 subject matter experts, includes findings on:

  • The financial contribution of marketing to enterprise and shareholder value
  • Six roles the CMO plays in creating value
  • Five actions every organization should take today
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