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Tableau Server Management Add-on 2021.2

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When the Chrome or Edge browser was used to browse to RMT an error could occur stating "err_http2_inadequate_transport_security".


In some scenarios, the Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool would revert to leverage its self-signed certificate for https access to the web server. Communication would still be secure, but customer configured certificates would not be leveraged in version 2021.1 of RMT only.


The Vizql Session Analysis report generated by the Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool included a broken blend that affected tooltips.


The Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool would allow more than one monitored environment to be created with the same environment identifier. This had the potential to cause some conflicts if multiple environments were actively being monitored with identical environment identifiers.


Vizql sessions can be filtered by type in the Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool. A query issue was blocking this filter from properly displaying vizql sessions spawned by background processes when the 'Backgrounder Sessions' value was selected.


The Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool UI includes notes on the number of connected Agents. The logic behind this has been updated to only reflect Agents that have been successfully registered.


Date range filters in the Tableau Resource Monitoring Tool would accept, but not apply, invalid date range submissions. Better in-product guidance is provided for these scenarios.


In some cases, when customers attempted to change SMTP configuration options in the RMT UI, the UI would not reflect the changes on a page reload.

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RMT 20212.21.611.2152, CMT 2021.2-1.1.207


Ons, 23 Juni, 2021
