Seis tendências de análise para o setor varejista em 2017

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Learn six new ways leading retailers are getting more from their data.

Business intelligence norms are evolving across the retail industry, and leading retailers are prioritizing analytics initiatives as a result. While the trend toward retail analytics isn’t new, maturing technologies and techniques are.

As mobility and artificial intelligence collide with data, both the consumer and the retailer inch closer to a more accurate, real-time analytics experience. This paper highlights 2017’s newest trends in retail and consumer goods analytics, including:

  • Advanced analytics is no longer just for analysts
  • Mobile reporting is fully realized
  • The Internet of Things starts to improve data accuracy
  • Omnichannel data integration gets exciting
  • Robots bring big opportunities to retail data
  • Augmented and virtual reality offer more insights
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A mobilidade é essencial para a Coke Consolidated. Fazemos o possível para não prender nossa equipe de vendas ao escritório, pois somos responsáveis principalmente pela venda do produto. Além disso, estar no escritório analisando métricas e fazendo cálculos não é o trabalho dela. O trabalho dela é vender o produto.

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