Seis tendencias del análisis del comercio minorista para 2017

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Learn six new ways leading retailers are getting more from their data.

Business intelligence norms are evolving across the retail industry, and leading retailers are prioritizing analytics initiatives as a result. While the trend toward retail analytics isn’t new, maturing technologies and techniques are.

As mobility and artificial intelligence collide with data, both the consumer and the retailer inch closer to a more accurate, real-time analytics experience. This paper highlights 2017’s newest trends in retail and consumer goods analytics, including:

  • Advanced analytics is no longer just for analysts
  • Mobile reporting is fully realized
  • The Internet of Things starts to improve data accuracy
  • Omnichannel data integration gets exciting
  • Robots bring big opportunities to retail data
  • Augmented and virtual reality offer more insights
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Para Coke Consolidated, la movilidad es clave. No queremos que nuestros equipos de ventas estén metidos en la oficina, ya que nuestra función principal es vender el producto. Esos equipos no están para perder el tiempo analizando métricas y calculando números, ese no es su trabajo. Su trabajo es vender el producto.

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