2017 年零售分析 6 大趋势

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Learn six new ways leading retailers are getting more from their data.

Business intelligence norms are evolving across the retail industry, and leading retailers are prioritizing analytics initiatives as a result. While the trend toward retail analytics isn’t new, maturing technologies and techniques are.

As mobility and artificial intelligence collide with data, both the consumer and the retailer inch closer to a more accurate, real-time analytics experience. This paper highlights 2017’s newest trends in retail and consumer goods analytics, including:

  • Advanced analytics is no longer just for analysts
  • Mobile reporting is fully realized
  • The Internet of Things starts to improve data accuracy
  • Omnichannel data integration gets exciting
  • Robots bring big opportunities to retail data
  • Augmented and virtual reality offer more insights
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在 Coke Consolidated,移动是关键。我们尽力确保我们的销售团队不会再受制于办公室,因为我们主要负责的是销售产品。花时间在办公室里盯着指标、处理数字,这并不是他们的工作。他们的工作是销售产品。

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Tableau 帮助人们将数据转化为可以付诸行动的见解。探索无所不能的可视化分析。只需点击几下即可构建仪表板,进行即兴分析。与任何人共享自己的工作成果,对公司发挥更大影响力。从全球性企业到早期初创企业和小企业,使用 Tableau 来查看和理解数据的人无处不在。



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