Produktlansering och nedladdning

Tableau Server 2021.4.5

Vi rekommenderar att du använder den senaste underhållsversionen, som innehåller ytterligare korrigeringar.

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Efter maj 2023 publiceras inte längre åtgärdade fel här. De visas istället på

Tableau Server has been updated in alignment with security best practices. We encourage Tableau Server customers to update to the latest version here.

Lösta problem

Problem-id Beskrivning

An intermittent error could occur when changing a filter value on a dashboard, "LogicAssert at ../runtime-rendering/DataStoreUtilities.cpp line 884: paneKeyIt != paneRowColToKeyMap.end()".


Visualizations within tooltips applied across all marks, were not properly passing filters when there were multiple fields. The filter would only work against the last field.


The Viz in Tooltip option was not filtering the sheet correctly when a dual-axis was used for the same measure.

All outstanding identified Log4j files have been updated to version 2.17.1


After publishing a viz to Tableau Server the initial status of a "Single Value (dropdown)" filter would sometimes change.


Published rest API schema files would sometimes be incomplete.


When updating a join calculation in a Left Join between BigQuery and Excel it would sometimes result in the following error, "Syntax error: Expected end of input but got "[" at [1:399]"


After applying a dimension field on a filter card the menu bar would sometimes disappear.


Resolved an XSS defect that could sometimes occur if the user had permissions to create an oauth datasource


The priority of flow jobs that were linked with tasks would sometime be fixed to the priority level 50.


The process ID's in the tabcmd log would sometimes show as the variable [${pid}] instead of the real process number.


Tableau Server would sometimes be unable to create logs when "--startdate" and "--enddate" were used in the command line.


End users with the correct permissions would sometimes be unable to see workbook views after the permissions were applied.


When moving contents with the "Personal spaces feature" disabled, an error would sometimes occur, "No Personal Space found for the target user."

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Tor, 31 Mars, 2022

Installation Guide
Install and Configure Tableau Server

Planning to upgrade?
Tableau Server Upgrade Page