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Tableau Server 2021.3.3

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The download file for this version has been removed due to the security issues currently identified in CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046. In order to address these security issues, you must update to the newest version of your desired Tableau product. For more information please see the Knowledge Article, Apache Log4j2 vulnerability (Log4shell)

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Server and site admins would receive failure notifications for other users' extract refresh failures.


With some perpetual licenses (no expiration date), the Server ATR activation method could result in the "Specified product key not found" error and display the key as expired even though the license has a current maintenance date.


After publishing a viz, the date on the axis would change and become incorrect.


In Tableau Server, clicking a button on a dashboard might result in an error "Failed to execute 'arc' on 'CanvasRenderingContext2d'".


In Tableau Server when there were over 1000 sites, the Site Admin would not be able to see any sites on the Site Picker.


When running a Tableau Flow, an io.exception would occur and the flow would fail.


When loading a view, an error could display stating "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token U in JSON at position 0."


With the SAP HANA data source and using web authoring, creating a filter could display an empty list and the error, "TableauException: Reference to undefined field."


Google Big Query data sources could fail an incremental extract refresh with the following message, "Error with duplicated DS: 'Destination exists. Not copying file.'"


Upgrade could fail with the error, "Error performing restore at com.tableausoftware.installer.operations.RestoreRepositoryOperation".


When connecting to a published data source over 3 GB and using a join, an error could display stating, "Error opening archive file. Invalid twb or twbx file."


When connecting to a Google sheet the connection would sometimes fail with the error "OAuth-client cannot be passed in as null or empty".


Extract refreshes could fail with the error, "Process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process."


Data Source details page will not load for users who have access to the data source but not to the project containing the data source.


After upgrading to Tableau Server 2020.1, a large SAS extract refresh could fail with the error, "Exceeded per-process memory threshold." Large memory is consumed when this error occurs. KB:


Starting in 2021.1+ , if SAML is configured, users were not getting the site selection option but redirected to a site.

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Tis, 26 Oktober, 2021

Installation Guide
Install and Configure Tableau Server

Planning to upgrade?
Tableau Server Upgrade Page