Produktlansering och nedladdning

Tableau Server 2021.3.12

Vi rekommenderar att du använder den senaste underhållsversionen, som innehåller ytterligare korrigeringar.

Download Tableau Server 2021.3.12 Ladda ner den senaste versionen (rekommenderas)

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Efter maj 2023 publiceras inte längre åtgärdade fel här. De visas istället på

Tableau Server has been updated in alignment with security best practices. We encourage Tableau Server customers to update to the latest version here.

Lösta problem

Problem-id Beskrivning

In some circumstances, top-level projects in Tableau Server would be in an illegal state making it impossible to update the project's lock status or permissions via the Tableau Server REST API.


Null values could appear in a workbook containing an Excel data source after being published to Tableau Server on Linux.


When connecting to Informix/Denodo data using the CData connector, the error "AlqProcessor evaluation failed" could occur. The following message could also occur, "Bad Connection: Tableau could not connect to the data source.
Error Code: B19090E0".


The dashboard action filter for navigating to a secondary dashboard would sometimes not work correctly after selecting a row starting in version 2021.1.0 and newer.


The axis label would sometimes not render correctly on 2021.1.0 or newer when using client-side rendering.


Selecting filter values on a view could cause the view to become unresponsive and the Chrome browser to produce the "Aw, Snap!" page.


When using web authoring and connecting to data, the wrong table could be displayed when dragging a table onto the data pane.


It was possible to publish a data source with an identical name as a data source already residing in the project.


The Activation Service native logs were unnecessarily large at the INFO level.


A custom view would sometimes not reflect the dynamic parameter in a subscription email.

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Tis, 24 Maj, 2022

Installation Guide
Install and Configure Tableau Server

Planning to upgrade?
Tableau Server Upgrade Page