Produktlansering och nedladdning

Tableau Server 2021.3.11

Vi rekommenderar att du använder den senaste underhållsversionen, som innehåller ytterligare korrigeringar.

Download Tableau Server 2021.3.11 Ladda ner den senaste versionen (rekommenderas)

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Efter maj 2023 publiceras inte längre åtgärdade fel här. De visas istället på

Tableau Server has been updated in alignment with security best practices. We encourage Tableau Server customers to update to the latest version here.

Lösta problem

Problem-id Beskrivning

Updated Spring framework to 5.2.20.RELEASE


Unexpected results would occur when the "ServerExportCSVMaxRowsByCols" value setting exceeded the number of headers in the view.


Flows published by Prep web authoring with TabPy scripts could fail to run with the error, "The specified script file doesn't exist. Browser to select a different script to run." The same flow published from Tableau Prep Builder would work without error.


With the ATR activation method, an ATR lease would sometimes not refresh after a timeout failure connecting to ATR Service.


Slack integration could fail when a proxy server was used.


On a Windows operating system, the following error would sometimes display at the end of the "Run installer" step for Tableau Server 2021.4.5: "Error running Python config routine - Error code: 2".


When moving contents with the "Personal spaces feature" disabled, an error would sometimes occur, "No Personal Space found for the target user."

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Tis, 03 Maj, 2022

Installation Guide
Install and Configure Tableau Server

Planning to upgrade?
Tableau Server Upgrade Page