Webbinar, på begäran

Arizona State University: Leveraging Data Analytics for Student Success

In a university setting, there is no silver bullet when it comes to student success. Many factors in a student's experience can influence their outcomes. Arizona State University's dedication to its students can be seen through academics, student services, and other traditional avenues. What sets ASU apart from other institutions, though, is its investment in data. ASU recognizes the fact that there are signals in the data that can help the university support students throughout their academic careers.

Join our live webinar to hear how ASU leveraged data analytics to improve student success by:

  • Collecting and analyzing high level classroom activity data from Canvas
  • Identifying key indicators of student performance
  • Building visualizations that empower users to become better Student Success coaches

About the speaker


Mike Sharkey

Director of Analytics, Arizona State University

Mike has been on the leading edge of analytics in the higher education industry, helping institutions leverage their data to improve student success. His experience covers most aspects of analytics in higher education, including:

  • Teaching (Taught for 10 years at University of Phoenix, both online and face-to-face)
  • Instructional Technology (Supported the implementation of learning technologies at ASU and UOP)
  • Enterprise Business Intelligence (Analytics Director for ASU’s University Technology Office)
  • Commercial Software (VP of Analytics for Blackboard)
  • Predictive Analytics (founder of Blue Canary, a predictive analytics company)

In addition to these roles, Mike has been a collaborator and contributor to the higher ed analytics space. He was a charter participant in the PAR Framework, a WCET organized and Gates funded initiative to develop data commonalities across varied institutions. In 2017, he was the chair of the Caliper Product Steering Committee for IMS Global where he worked with peers to further the adoption of the Caliper standard. In 2020, he was asked to facilitate Instructure’s Student Data Privacy advisory group. He has also shared insights & findings through blog posts, papers, and conference presentations for over 10 years. Mike has worked in the ed tech space since 2002, and in technology since 1992. This includes three years with Arizona State University, eleven years with the University of Phoenix, two years with Blackboard, and three years with Blue Canary (a predictive analytics startup he founded in 2013). Mike has a Bachelors degree in Mathematics from Lafayette College and an MBA from the University of Arizona. He lives in Scottsdale, Arizona with his wife and twin daughters, and is a coach/mentor for the FIRST Robotics organization.

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