How to Build a Culture of Self-Service Analytics

Learn how to build a culture of analytics and most importantly, why you should.

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The driver of our curiosity is a need for understanding—the what, the why, the how, the what-for. Data can help us gain this understanding. Data is knowledge. It gives us the facts, the truth, the objective view of what has happened and in some cases what may happen.

This whitepaper outlines five steps to build a culture of analytics and starts building upon ideas to create a trusted data environment that proliferates the use of data to drive decisions, seize opportunities, and gain a competitive edge.

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Medewerkers de mogelijkheid bieden om zelf vragen te kunnen stellen, is enorm waardevol gebleken. Tableau maakt het mensen gemakkelijker om toegang te krijgen tot de benodigde data, zodat ze hun eigen vragen ook kunnen beantwoorden.

Additional Resources


Redefining the role of IT in a modern BI world

As self-service analytics becomes the norm, the role of IT is evolving from a producer to a strategic partner. IT professionals are helping their organizations transition from a traditional top-down approach to analytics driven by IT, to a self-service approach enabled by IT and led by the business.


How to choose the right modern BI & analytics platform

This guide focuses on the platform evaluation and selection. It is intended for IT to use collaboratively with business users and analysts as they assess each platform’s ability to execute on the modern analytics workflow and address the diverse needs of users across the organization.

Over Tableau

Tableau helpt mensen data om te zetten in praktische inzichten. Verken de data aan de hand van onbeperkte visuele analyses. Bouw dashboards en voer ad-hocanalyses uit met enkele muisklikken. Deel je werk met iedereen en zet iets neer binnen je bedrijf. Van internationale ondernemingen en beginnende start-ups tot het MKB: overal wordt Tableau gebruikt om data te kunnen zien en begrijpen.

Uitgelicht in

Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal

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