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Tableau Server 2024.2.1
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Tableau Server 2024.2.1 다운로드 최신 버전 다운로드(권장)
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해결된 문제
문제 ID | 설명 |
W-12899778 사용자 또는 그룹에 탁음 또는 반탁음 발음 구별 부호를 포함한 일본어 문자가 있는 경우 편집 권한 대화 상자에서 해당 이름을 검색/필터링할 수 없습니다. 원래 Tableau TFS 1422395에서 추적되었습니다. |
W-16057563 When tried to connect the Salesforce Org to Tableau we are not able to see the all Objects which get introduced after Summer '23 in dashboard. Tableau cannot access any entity introduced after 242 (Spring '23, Api Version 57.0). Fundraising entities are not visible until API 59.0 because they were not introduced until 246. |
W-15837471 Initializing tsm after installing Tableau Server on RHEL 8.10 or greater fails with the following error: Error: The version of this Linux distribution is not supported ('rhel 8.10') This issue occurs because this is the first time the minor version of a Linux release has gone into double digits. A note on containers: Deploying a container that uses UBI (Universal Base Image) 8 will encounter this issue, as the latest version will contain the .10 update. |
W-15526268 When downloading full data on a workbook that is attached to a published data source, the resulting csv has only 200 rows. This occurs on the prod-ca-a pod. |
W-15578455 When a subscription is sent to a subscriber, the image and pdf of the viz does not display marks correctly for a number of sheets of the dashboard. The same sheets render properly on Tableau Desktop and Tableau Cloud/Server on both client and server render. The individual sheet itself when subscribed loads without issue and changing, removing, or moving the impacted sheets renders the sheets differently (sometimes normal and sometimes blank. |
W-15156128 Flows Start to Fail with Error ""No Such Column"". Issue happens on Tableau Cloud and Tableau Prep Builder 2024.1.0. It does not happen in Prep Builder 2023.3.3 or before. |
W-15713115 Views connected to Snowflake shared databases do not load but the error message ""TableauException: SQL execution error: Creating table on shared database 'XXXX' is not allowed."" is presented in Tableau Desktop/Server 2023.1 and later versions. |