Start your free trial of Tableau

Limitless data exploration and discovery start now.

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Trial Tableau in the cloud


Get insights at the speed of thought with Tableau Cloud. Trial the full suite of tools—including data preparation, management, and built-in visualization web authoring capabilities in your browser—with our secure, always up-to-date, cloud-based analytics platform.

Create, edit, and share visualizations in the cloud.

Prepare, connect and manage your data anywhere.

Analyze in collaboration with your team.

Includes Tableau Prep Builder and Data Management.

Trial Tableau on your machine

Build powerful calculations, views, and dashboards locally on your computer.

Download free trial

Connect, create and share data analysis.

Access and combine disparate data without writing code.

Even more ways to trial and explore the Tableau Platform

Tableau Prep Builder

Confidently combine, shape, and clean your data with Tableau Prep Builder.

Get Started

Tableau Server

Collaborate and share dashboards using your own on-premise servers.

Learn more

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