12 Powerful Retail Dashboards

Build your competitive edge

Are you just beginning to use dashboards to visualize your data? Or are you ready to supplement the dashboards you’re already using for an even broader understanding of your business? Wherever you are in your data analytics journey, actionable insights are essential to gain a competitive edge—and dashboards play a critical role in bringing those insights to life.

We’ve reached out to our partner community and curated a collection of dashboards that deliver, from product availability to digital content optimization. Read this whitepaper to learn how top retailers are using visual analytics for competitive advantage—and then test drive the dashboards and experience the power of visual analytics for yourself.

Below is an excerpt from the paper for you to interact with. Simply click on each dashboard to see a demo video and dive into the data to discover more. To see all twelve dashboards, we encourage you to download the full whitepaper.

Anticipate demand with weather data

Not only do retailers have to deal with changing consumer behavior, digitalization, and increased competition, but they also have to deal with significant weather events.

This dashboard allows for retailers to predict extreme spikes of demand due to weather events, understand the geographic impact, and funnel new demand to address remaining gaps to ensure supplies are delivered to the right place at the right time. Decision makers can quickly mobilize and anticipate demand to accelerate emergency response and recovery efforts, so they can help customers when they need it most.

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고객 서비스는 이제 기업이 하는 모든 일에 중심이 되어야 하며, 고객이 의식하기도 전에 기업이 먼저 앞서가야 합니다. 그리고 Tableau는 실제로 기업이 그러한 목표에 도달하기까지 차별화된 지원을 제공합니다.

Visualizing food waste

Waste on fresh products costs a retailer real money, and savings on waste directly impacts profits. With this dashboard, visualizing waste with data provides powerful, actionable insights.

See the high waste products, identify waste issues across stores, and understand the makeup of waste—by volume of clean sales, RTC sales, and binned volume. As always, dig deeper by navigating to understand the geographic and pack size impact in order to deploy an effective solution.

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Identify product availability

Having the right product in the right store at the right time is one of the fundamentals of retail. But no one said it would easy. Top retailers face this challenge daily and often face the risk of customers transitioning to a competing product if a product is out of stock.

In this product availability dashboard, decision-makers are able to understand which regions, products, and store formats are at the highest risk for costly availability gaps. By using this dashboard, retailers can maximize return, ensure customer loyalty, and secure effective brand sales management.

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Tableau가 없었다면 응답성이 훨씬 더 떨어졌을 것이고, 결국에는 효율성도 크게 저하되었을 것입니다. 데이터를 통해 당사는 최고의 고객 환경을 구축하고, 파트너와 고객을 연결하여 궁극적으로 잠재고객을 개발하고 수익을 창출할 수 있습니다.

Store manager insights

Getting from problem to analysis to action in today’s fast-paced retail environment has to happen in seconds—not minutes. Store managers need actionable data in order to make daily profitable decisions daily.

With natural language generation, managers can quickly identify and communicate key insights faster. By interacting with a dashboard that features a generated narrative, store managers can share the results with their team without having to write out an explanation themselves. A store manager can dive into the dashboard, identify a primary driver of declining sales, and confidently resolve the problem.

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