How Leading Healthcare Enterprises Drive Better Outcomes with Visual Analytics

As healthcare reform shifts the traditional fee-for-service model into a pay-for-performance, value based paradigm, the implications for existing healthcare delivery systems in the U.S. are far-reaching and even crippling within an increasingly complex technology environment. With so much raw data from electronic health records, medical devices, operations, finance, and revenue cycle management (RCM) hospital information systems and practice management systems, there is an acute need for a data aggregation and analytics solution. The right solution must provide a holistic view of individual patients and populations, so providers and payers can discover insights that will improve clinical, financial, and operational outcomes. In this white paper we will explore and articulate how industry leaders in healthcare are deploying self service visual analytics across clinical, operational, and revenue cycle management (RCM) processes and use cases to enable superior patient outcomes with higher quality of care delivery at a lower cost of care—delivering measurable value across the data-driven healthcare enterprise.

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