Agile BI: Three Steps to Analytic Heaven

David White, Senior Research Analyst, The Aberdeen Group

Traditionally, one of the drawbacks of business intelligence has been the large amounts of time required to implement, learn and then create reports on a business intelligence software. Tableau strives to break this convention. However, in the age of data discovery organizations are still faced with the twin pressures of growing data volume and shrinking decision windows for business managers.

Business users of all industries would benefit from adopting Agile BI practices—to ensure your reports are always delivered on time, and that changes are easy to implement. In this report, Aberdeen Group conducts a survey on how companies are responding to demands for faster BI.

We've also pulled out the first several pages of the whitepaper for you to read. Download the PDF on the right to read the rest.

Despite the wealth of experience among Aberdeen's end-user community in delivering Business Intelligence (BI), prior Aberdeen research found that 57% of business intelligence projects are delivered late. Many companies still struggle to deliver the right information to the right business managers at the right time. Organizations are faced with the twin pressures of growing data volumes and shrinking decision windows for business managers. So how do organizations implement agile BI so that managers can easily find the information they need as business needs change? This report provides the secrets of market leaders.

In fact, the City of Charlotte, a Tableau customer, is cited as an example of an innovative organization. They've engaged in creative practices to engage their employees and to enable Agile BI.

The report is based on data collected from 170 organizations using BI in February and March 2011.

Interactive Results for Agile BI

What could the impact of visual/interactive BI be for your organization? Investigate for yourself in this interactive Tableau dashboard. Use the buttons at the top to select overall or industry responses and switch between different survey questions.

Want to read more? Download the rest of the whitepaper!

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David White

Senior Research Analyst, The Aberdeen Group

David White is a Senior Analyst in the business intelligence research practice. Choosing the right product or solution is important, but many other factors are also crucial for a successful BI project. With this is mind, David uses his 20 years of experience with many industries to ...

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