온디맨드 웨비나

#Viz2Educate Community Project

Tableau Academic Programs Lunch and Learn

#Viz2Educate focuses on creating a high-quality bank of educational resources for teachers worldwide. Teachers will have free access to dig into subject-related visualizations.

This program creates visualizations that not only help teachers with access to unlimited resources, but also inspires the next generation to start thinking about data visualization.


발표자 소개


Eve Thomas

Data Visualization Consultant

Eve Thomas is a data visualization consultant with a background in teaching and HR. She is passionate about education and promoting equal opportunities. She loves creating visualizations that make data both fun and accessible to users of all ages. She is a Tableau Public Ambassador, Tableau Public Featured Author, six-time VOTD winner, and is an active community member. She also co-leads various community initiatives like #DiversityinData and #Viz2Educate.


Vinodh Kumar

Developer and Data Analyst

Vinodh Kumar is an NLP bot developer and data analyst. He is a two-time Tableau Public Ambassador and a Tableau Public Featured Author. He is co-lead of various community initiatives like the #TheSDGVizProject, #Mentoringmeetup, #VizConnect, #Viz2Educate, and #Viz4climateAction. He is also the leader of #ChennaiTUG. Vinodh is a long-time social worker, and an avid supporter of the SDGs. He loves maps and spatial analysis and is always searching for hidden secrets in data that can help change the world.

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