온디맨드 웨비나

Enhance your Telco Transformation with Visual Analytics

Telecommunication companies are transforming - more so than ever before. Their networks and services are the backbone that is bringing globally dispersed friends, families and businesses together, enabling a more productive professional environment with anywhere, anytime working and keeping everyone up-to-date with current events across the globe.

However, these changes come with many challenges, such as churn and network performance, which have been exacerbated by the pace of change and explosion of data.

Watch to learn how Tableau can drive your digital transformation by:

  • Optimising network operations through visual analytics
  • Empowering all employees to drive real business impact with self-serve analytics
  • Managing your data within an end-to-end platform

Check out the Visual Analytics for Industries series for more industry topics.

발표자 소개


Larry Dioneda

Principal Solution Engineer

Larry is a Tableau Solutions Engineer focused in the Communications, Media and Utilities industry. Based out of Melbourne and with 20+ years experience in IT, these days Larry gets a kick out of helping people see and understand their data in cool and interesting ways with Tableau! When not mashing up data in Tableau, Larry is a bit of a geek and enjoys playing with tech gadgets, mashing up music and tweaking his car…and not necessarily in that order.

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