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Health and Healthcare Data Visualization

Tableau Academic Programs Lunch and Learn

Sue Kraemer, Tableau curriculum designer and creator of the latest Tableau for Teaching ready-made course, Health and Healthcare Data Visualization, and Kathy Rowell, author, lecturer, and healthcare data visualization expert, discuss course content and the importance of data skills in healthcare. 

Learn why you should introduce data skills into your health and healthcare programs and how to get started in this Lunch and Learn session. 

Related Resources:


발표자 소개


Katherine S. Rowell, M.S., M.H.A.

Co-Founder and Principal

Kathy is Co-Founder and Principal of HealthDataViz, which specializes in helping health and healthcare organizations communicate data visually so that they can make informed decisions. She’s led projects for NYC Dept. of Health, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Capital District Community Health Plan, and The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, among others.


Sue Kraemer

Senior Data Skills Curriculum Strategy Manager, Tableau

Prior to joining Tableau, Sue Kraemer taught Statistics and Data Visualization courses at University of Washington Bothell (UWB) and currently remains an Affiliate Faculty member in the Division of Nursing and Health Studies at UWB.

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