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A conversation with our student Iron Viz winners

Earlier this year, we announced the winners of our first-ever student competition, Iron Viz: Student Edition. Iron Viz: Student Edition gives students the opportunity to inspire, empower, and cultivate (and show-off) their data skills. Students will connect with the broader #DataFam, and practice for future Iron Viz competitions. We sat down to hear from our 2020 student Iron Viz winners as they discussed their experience and process of building a winning viz, as well as share advice for future contestants. 

Read our blog announcing the winners, and check out their vizzes below on Tableau Public: 

  • Nicole Harris's viz on air pollution 
  • Abeeshan's viz on endangered species
  • Parth's viz on human behavior and gasoline prices

발표자 소개


Abeeshan Selvabaskaran

University of Toronto, Master of Science in Biomedical Communications

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