온디맨드 웨비나

Andy Cotgreave:
The LEVERS of Data Visualisation Design

Do you want to learn a real-world method of data visualisation design that will help you better communicate data for your audience?

Watch this webinar with data expert Andy Cotgreave to discover the six LEVERS that analysts can push or pull to enhance data visualisation design in pursuit of your goals. From emotion to rapidity, see which design principles are most appropriate for different data types, different data goals, and different audiences—helping you expertly communicate data-driven insights.

Watch now to learn how you can apply the six LEVERS of data visualisation design:

  • Level of Detail - should your chart be granular or sparse?
  • Emotion - should your visualisation be dry or loud?
  • Vagueness - should your visualisation be precise or ambigious?
  • Exploratory - what's the communication objective of your visualisation?
  • Rapidity - how quick should visualisations be understandable?

발표자 소개

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Andy Cotgreave

Technical Evangelist, Tableau

Andy Cotgreave, a Technical Evangelist at Tableau, is a co-author of The Big Book of Dashboards. He's also the host of If Data Could Talk, a co-host of Chart Chat, and a columnist for Information Age. He has over 15 years of experience in data visualization and business intelligence, first honing his skills as an analyst at the University of Oxford.

Andy helps customers, media, and analysts across all industries see and understand their data. He has inspired thousands of people with technical advice and ideas for how to identify trends in visual analytics and develop their own data discovery skills.

Keep in touch with Andy by subscribing to his Sweet Spot newsletter, which curates stories of how data intersects with the world, or follow him on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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