온디맨드 웨비나

How VMware Stopped Worrying, and Learned to Love HR Big Data

Do you want to enable your business leaders to make data driven workforce decisions quickly and effectively, without having to combine multiple sources in Excel? In this session, you will learn how VMware enriched their workforce data by combining external recruiting, equity, and financial planning data by leveraging Workday Big Data Analytics to create a consolidated, robust, and high quality data source for Tableau visualizations. Enabling business leaders and HR business partners to make data driven people decisions.

발표자 소개

Dan Trares

Sr Manager, Workforce Analytics, VMware

For the past six years, Dan has been enabling business leaders to make data-driven decisions about their workforce by advancing the delivery, scalability, and insights offered by people analytics. By demonstrating the power of leveraging data to solve difficult people problems and highlighting opportunities for continued investment, Dan has been able to help companies better manage their most valuable asset.

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