Public Sector Day 2019 - GovTech: Towards an Analytics-Ready Organization

Kelvin Goh, Deputy Director, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Division, GovTech

Most organizations fail in their bid to transform into one that fully embraces and harnesses the value of data in its operations. This may be due to a mismatch of expectations, a rush to succeed without redesigning job roles and providing the right tools, and the lack of a ‘data culture’ internally. The primary reason for failure is seldom due to technology but rather how people and processes were structured. GovTech recently started its own journey to embrace the use of data analytics. In this session, Kelvin shares GovTech's framework to become data analytics-ready in a scalable and sustainable way, by restructuring the role of data science, and providing systematic training, software and tools to enable their workforce. He also introduces a Data Literacy ePrimer prototype, built to support a whole-of-government initiative.

Disclaimer: The video recording of this presentation is reserved only to public officers serving the Singapore Government. To view the video recording, please click here.

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