Webinaire à la demande

Improve your forecasting and empower your sales reps with CRM Analytics

Is our forecast accurate? How are we performing against plan? Where are the gaps? Are we billing what we booked? Who should our reps call next? Are you a sales leader asking yourself one of these or dozens of other forecasting related questions? You are not alone!

Siloed data, scattered spreadsheets and tools, and manual processes all lead to inconsistent and worse, inaccurate forecasts. Join us for our webinar where we show you how CRM Analytics can help you to:

  • Connect CRM data with revenue data from other systems
  • Infuse AI into your forecasting process to predict likelihood to close, days to close, and other outcomes
  • Empower sales reps by connecting insights to actions, directly in the CRM interface

À propos des intervenants

Pater Newall

Peter Newall

Salesforce Solution Engineer

Peter has been in Salesforce Solution Engineering for 10 years now, 4 of them aligned to Sales Cloud and Service Cloud, 2 of them supporting the Marketing Cloud and for the past 4 years, a Distinguished SE & Product Specialist for the most agile, innovative & radical of all Salesforce clouds - CRM Analytics (formerly known as Einstein Analytics).


Rene Roesel

Senior Account Executive, Analytics and AI

Rene helps customers to turn numbers into actionable insights in the time of the Digital Transformation by showing them the full potential of CRM Analytics. He focuses on AI-powered insights, predictions, data visualisation and analytics in Sales and Services. In his spare time, he travels with his VW van and teaches his children programming and chess.


Saskia van Daal

Principal Solutions Engineer, Tableau

Saskia is a Principal Solutions Engineer at Tableau in London. Formerly a Product Consultant, Saskia has worked with Tableau customers all over Europe and helped them to become Data Rockstars. Before joining Tableau, Saskia worked in management consulting and studied economics and politics at the London School of Economics.

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