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How High-Tech Companies Can Reinvent The Customer Experience By Offering Data Products Using Tableau Embedded Analytics

Imagine if your high-tech organisation could offer innovative data products that enable users with self-service analytics to make better decisions—helping you reinvent the customer experience.

You can! In this webinar you'll see how IDBS—a BioPharma SaaS provider— embedded interactive Tableau dashboards into their SaaS solution to bring a new wave of data intelligence to customers.

Discover exactly how IDBS rapdily accelerated their development cycle whilst maximising product engagement and customer loyalty using Tableau.

Learn how IDBS use Tableau embedded analytics to:

  • Embed self-service analytics into their SaaS product
  • Maximise customer loyalty by enabling users with data insights
  • Launched an embedded analytics solution in just three months

Watch all of the 'Tableau Embedded Analytics for Industry' webinar series

À propos de l'intervenant


Alberto Pascual

Director, Data Science & Analytics - IDBS

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