5 Best Practices for Telling Great Stories With Your Data

Elissa Fink, Directora de marketing, Tableau Software
Susan Moore, Author and Marketing Consultant

Learn the 5 best practices of how to use storytelling to gain your audience’s attention and commitment. Find out how to make your data presentations and reports more interesting, more dynamic and more effective. And see how easily and quickly you can build effective stories from the hidden marketing insights locked in your data.

If you:

  • wish you could engage your executive team and explain your analytics and results better
  • feel like you have solid theories about what’s happening in your data but no easy way to prove your points
  • need to analyze mountains of data but have no time to do it

then this white paper, with its practical strategies for better storytelling and better communication, will help!

Register today to learn how you can unlock the stories in your data through the power of visual analysis.

Brought to you by Tableau Software, the application that helps you transform your data into smart analytics via an easy drag-and-drop interface and powerful visual analysis capabilities.

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About the authors


Elissa Fink

Directora de marketing, Tableau Software

Elissa Fink es directora de marketing de Tableau Software. Durante más de 20 años, Elissa ayudó a distintas empresas a mejorar sus operaciones de marketing mediante el análisis de datos aplicado. Ocupó cargos ejecutivos en los departamentos de marketing, estrategia comercial, ...

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Susan Moore

Author and Marketing Consultant