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Snowflake has been climbing the proverbial database charts recently, and it's not hard to see why.
Examine the issue of using red and green together in data visualization.
In this post, we’ll dive into the difference between data extracts and live connections, and when to use them. We’ll also look at publishing data sources to Tableau Online.
Now in Tableau 9.3, you can connect to your Snowflake Elastic Data Warehouse and pick which virtual warehouse you want to use.
En Tableau estamos muy orgullosos de lo fácil que es ver y comprender los datos con nuestra plataforma. Después de comenzar a usar Tableau, querrá realizar análisis más profundos. Para hacerlo, agregará de manera intuitiva cada vez más campos, fórmulas y cálculos a una visualización simple, y esta tendrá un rendimiento cada vez más lento. En un mundo donde un tiempo de respuesta de dos segundos puede hacer que el público pierda interés, el rendimiento es fundamental. Explore estos consejos para mejorar el rendimiento de sus dashboards.
Want more of your colleagues to dive into data? Introduce them to the data-informed way of life with an elegant dashboard about key metrics. A high-level dashboard that keeps the company updated at all levels and also drills down in seconds can help people evolve from passive consumers of data to self-service can-doers.
Like any company, Tableau needs to make decisions about sales data. And as a data company, we’re always on the hunt for the best way to look at sales information. Here are five ways we look at our own operations to help make decisions about quota, territory management, and must-win deals.
Do you think big data doesn’t apply to marketing? Wrong: it does. The good news is that it's not too daunting.
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