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Tableau Server 2024.2.2

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Nach Mai 2023 werden behobene Probleme nicht mehr hier angezeigt, sondern unter

Behobene Probleme

Problem-Nr. Beschreibung

W-16145191 "
When publishing a workbook to a project name containing a slash (""/"") on Tableau Cloud or Tableau Server, the first publish works. However, it may fail the second time, and this error appears after clicking ""publish workbook""

Version Affected:

Tableau Server:
2023.3.6 or later
2023.1.13 or later
2022.3.17 or later
Tableau Cloud (2024.2)"


W-15454746 When users from other trusted Active Directory domains try to open the ""Ask Data"" Tab of the data source published using Viewer credentials, the error may occur and users can’t use ""Ask Data"".

This error is observed in Tableau Server on Windows when connecting Denodo / PostgreSQL with JDBC Driver and Kerberos Delegation.


W-15999400 Incorrect data is shown while using Salesforce datasource, when custom SQL Query contains objects/fields with relationship.


W-16299360 "
When attempting to upgrade Tableau Server, an unexpected ""This job failed due to unexpected error: 'TApplicationException'...Internal error processing completeApplyMigrations"" error occurs during the upgrade process.

NOTE: This issue can also occur during the blue/green upgrade process when restoring a Tableau Server backup

The following error may display when running the Tableau Server upgrade script:

This job failed due to unexpected error: 'TApplicationException'
org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException: Internal error processing completeApplyMigrations
Error message located in the databasemaintenance.log file:

Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: could not create unique index

Impacted Versions



W-15304545 On Tableau Cloud, opening a workbook in web-edit with an embedded extracted Databricks data source, any user who was not the user who originally published the workbook, receives an authentication error after entering their credentials and selecting "sign in".


W-16188708 The REST API Publish (specifically, append) call is failing when a 128-bit decimal type is used in the .hyper file being used.


W-15840768 Upgrades from Tableau Server versions prior to 2022.3, to version 2022.3 or later, result in the Views (all-time) counts displaying and sorting incorrectly in the ""Explore"" section.

Notably, the sorting order from the prior version may be preserved, despite the view counts being different and out-of-order numerically even when viewing in Descending Sort Order.

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Di., 20 August, 2024