Best of the Tableau Web: Server admin tips, custom colors, and the benefits of blogging
It's the best of the Tableau web from the month of November!
I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that contributes to the Tableau community, and this month, I’d like to highlight Lorena Vazquez for her Tableau Server posts on her personal blog. It’s always exciting to see new bloggers, and especially great to see a new blog about Tableau Server. Real cultural change will come when everyone in an organization can and does ask questions with data.
The nitty gritty of promoting growth through a well-managed central service might not be as viscerally exciting as attractive visuals, but it’s equally important. Lorena’s first posts are very interesting for all server administrators and I’m excited to see this blog develop. Are there any other server admins ready to start blogging? What are your stories? What are the tips and tricks you wished you’d known when you started using Tableau?
Tips and tricks
SirVizALot How To: Tableau Sheet Selector with Dashboard Actions
TableauLearners Spiral Heatmap in Tableau
VizPainter Hot Swapping Geographic Levels of Detail in a Tableau Viz
Ann K. Emery Giving Your Tableau Visualizations a Makeover: Custom Colors
Charlie Daffern Cross-Worksheet Filters
Ryan Sleeper How to Highlight a Dimension Member on a Minimalist Dot Plot in Tableau
Andy Kriebel Mapping American Happiness
VisualisingHE NSS 2017: One data set, many approaches.
The Data Duo 2 countries in 1 week – What was it like?
Ken Flerlage Loom Art in Tableau
Brittany Fong "I thought about doing a white album version and a @jonni_walker black album version, but ran out of room. #DataNoodles"
Sarah Loves Data The Benefits of Blogging
Questions in Dataviz How was it for you?
learningtableaublog Hiatus over thanks to #RealTableau
Getting vizzy with it Makeover Monday for me
Vizible Difference Creating Lorenz Attractor Natively in Tableau
Ryan Sleeper 3 Lessons Learned from the APAC Tableau Zen Master Tour
Databoss HOWTO: Tableau Server Linux in Docker Container
Lorena Talks Data The Whoa’s and Woes of Being a Tableau Server Admin
Stephanie Kearns Which workbook tabs are viewed on Tableau Server? PostgresSQL data dashboard template
Dueling Data Naive Bayes Classifier in Tableau (no R/Py)
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