Data Insights

Learn from the data experts. We’ve compiled years of experience and knowledge into articles, videos, webinars, whitepapers, and more.
Here, you’ll find the resources you need to learn how data works, the science behind data analysis, how businesses use data to their advantage, how data shapes the past and future of artificial intelligence, and much more.
What’s top of mind?
Data Literacy
Become data literate by learning how data works. This includes how data is defined, how to ask the right questions, how to measure, draw decisions, and then share your findings.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Consumers and businesses alike utilize AI daily. Learn about the versatile field that is AI, including definitions, examples, advantages, disadvantages, history, and explorations of the theoretical and ethical.
Data Science
Learn the “how”s and “why”s behind how data analysis works. Learn about data preparation and analysis, and different data science tools and skills, like data mining, mapping, cleaning, and different analysis techniques.
Business Intelligence (BI)
Learn how data analysis, reporting, benchmarking, visualization, and more come together in BI to create a powerful business tool with the goal of equipping businesses to make data-driven decisions.
Organizations are investing trillions to become more data-driven, but only 8% successfully scale analytics to get value from their data. Becoming a data-driven organization requires investments in both Data Culture and technology to shift how people make decisions.
Empowered with Data Culture and the right technology, people can ask questions, challenge ideas of data.
Tableau is committed to our mission
Tableau’s mission is to help people see and understand data. To that end, we created the Data Literacy program, empowering individuals with the knowledge to make informed decisions about their own future. That’s where Data Insights comes in.
We’ve compiled all our relevant information about data – including articles, whitepapers, webinars, and videos – in one place. Each is organized into a category based on topic to make it easy to search and find what you want to learn. Whether you’re just starting out on your data journey, or looking for up-to-date information, you’ll find guides from our experts here.
Learn more about Tableau and data
Read Tableau’s commitment to spreading data literacy, and our forecast for data trends this year.
Data Trends 2022
Learn what data trends will be important in 2022, including the continued growth of AI, ethical questions, data equity, and more.
Data Skills 10 Million
Learn about Tableau’s commitment to help 10 million people learn data skills, and discover resources to begin the learning journey.