
Visualise the Evolution of Country Music

From Johnny Cash to Taylor Swift, country music has evolved through the years. But can data and visual analytics help us better understand those changes and unlock insights we never knew before?

Join this live webinar to discover how the visual analytics capabilities of Tableau can decode the evolution of country music. Learn how to use Tableau's powerful clustering algorithm and Spotify API connection to identify lyrical and melodic changes over time.

You'll discover insights into:

  • How to use the Spotify API to populate musical elements of country music overtime.
  • How cluster analysis can help us understand the evolution of country music.
  • Which artists have proven to be the most popular?

Make sure to sign up for the rest of the webinars in the Data + Music Series.

About the speaker


Emily Chen

Tableau & Alteryx BI Specialist - The Information Lab

As a bonafide biz nerd, Emily loves telling stories with data. Feeling frustrated with spreadsheets, Tableau and Alteryx unlocked creativity and freedom for her analysis.

She’s currently learning the art of data visualization and eager to apply these skills in banking and B2C strategy.

Outside of work, you will find her perusing one of London’s many museums or on the search for the city’s best flat white. Follow Emily’s journey through The Data School on Twitter and Tableau Public.


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