Partner Finder
The new Salesforce Partner Program will bring Tableau, Mulesoft, Slack and Core Salesforce partners into a single organization that’s focused on driving your success. The change will occur in phases over the next year and result in a single source of truth for all Salesforce partners.
Tableau remains committed to supporting the unique needs of organizations around the world. Together with Salesforce, we are focused on helping you unleash your full potential, experience a-ha moments, and ignite your passion for data.
To browse or search Salesforce consulting partners, access findpartners.salesforce.com.
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Tableau Southern Europe Partner of the Year 2018, nous sommes des data hereos et fanatiques de données; nous aidons plus de 320 clients à travers le monde avec des solutions...
Tableau Southern Europe Partner of the Year 2018, nous sommes des data hereos et fanatiques de données; nous aidons plus de 320 clients à travers le monde avec des solutions exploitant les données pour tous. Notre conviction est que dans les données réside la capacité d'innover et de prospérer pour l'entreprise moderne. Notre mission est d'aider ces entreprises à mettre en œuvre un virage culturel vers la data. Notre promesse est de vous apporter les meilleures compétences et expertises en analyse, Data Science, visualisation de données et business intelligence pour compléter vos connaissances métier et vous permettre d'atteindre vos objectifs. 產業專長: 製造業; 通訊; 金融服務; 醫療保健和生命科學; 專業人士; 零售; 科技; 旅遊、運輸與餐旅 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; Informatica; HP-Vertica; Amazon Redshift; Google Big Query; Salesforce; R; Google Cloud Platform; Matillion; Microsoft Azure; Microsoft SQL Server; Microsoft Synapse DW; MySQL; Python; Snowflake; Talend 提供的服務: Application Development; Customer APIs; Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions; Advanced Analytics; Data Governance; Managed Services; Systems Integrations 營運國家/地區: 法國, 摩納哥, 留尼旺 |
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AE Business Solutions 在新視窗中開啟
AE Business Solutions is a leading IT Integration and Consulting Company serving enterprise organizations throughout the Midwest. 150+ employees with offices in Madison, Mil...
AE Business Solutions is a leading IT Integration and Consulting Company serving enterprise organizations throughout the Midwest. 150+ employees with offices in Madison, Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Wausau. Our mission is to provide our clients with the right combination of information technology and people to deliver innovative solutions that create a competitive advantage for their organization. The four Centers of Excellence (Business Intelligence & Analytics, Data Center, Networking & Security and Consulting Services) allows AEBS to offer a full suite of Best In Class solutions for our customers. Technology Specializations: Alteryx; Amazon Redshift; Google Big Query 提供的服務: Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions 營運國家/地區: 美國 |
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Alation, Inc. 在新視窗中開啟
Alation’s collaborative data catalog empowers Tableau users to find, understand, and trust existing data assets for better, faster business decisions. Alation’s data catalog...
Alation’s collaborative data catalog empowers Tableau users to find, understand, and trust existing data assets for better, faster business decisions. Alation’s data catalog is the foundation of a Governance for Insight Framework that surfaces potential issues with the underlying data Tableau users are working with, within their native workflow, that may result in inaccurate or mis-interpreted analytic conclusions. Alation does this by combining the power of machine learning with the human insight of data stewards to automatically capture information about what the data describes, the lineage of data before it gets to Tableau, and a deep behavioral understanding of who has used that data in the organization and how it has been used successfully in the past. |
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Argano 在新視窗中開啟
Argano is the first of its kind: a digital consultancy totally immersed in high-performance operations. We steward enterprises through ever-evolving markets, empowering them...
Argano is the first of its kind: a digital consultancy totally immersed in high-performance operations. We steward enterprises through ever-evolving markets, empowering them with transformative strategies and technologies to exceed customer expectations, unlock commercial innovation, and drive optimal efficiency and growth. Argano is a Certified Tableau Services and Training partner that provides: 產業專長: 教育; 製造業; 其他; 醫療保健和生命科學; 專業人士; 零售; 旅遊、運輸與餐旅 Technology Specializations: Salesforce; Amazon Web Services; Databricks; Google Cloud Platform; SAP 提供的服務: Application Development; Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Advanced Analytics 營運國家/地區: 美國 案例研究 |
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Jako firma konsultingowa wierzymy w to, że zaawansowana technologia pozwala rozwiązać większość problemów biznesowych w organizacjach. Czym jednak byłaby technologia bez lud...
Jako firma konsultingowa wierzymy w to, że zaawansowana technologia pozwala rozwiązać większość problemów biznesowych w organizacjach. Czym jednak byłaby technologia bez ludzi? W Astrafox bez względu na to, czy mówimy o naszych Klientach, czy pracownikach, wierzymy w to, że to właśnie człowiek jest najcenniejszym zasobem firmy i wszelkie nasze działania zorientowane są na niego. Naszym Klientom służymy wiedzą i bogatym doświadczeniem. Na co dzień oferujemy wsparcie merytoryczne po to, by nasi Kontrahenci mogli w pełni wykorzystywać potencjał technologii w swoich organizacjach. Naszymi działaniami udowadniamy, że nowoczesne rozwiązania IT są kluczem do sukcesu każdego przedsiębiorstwa. Pomagamy we wszystkich aspektach pracy z narzędziami Business Intelligence: od projektowania struktur danych, poprzez szkolenia, warsztaty, konsultacje, aż po zaawansowane programowanie i integrację. Specjalizujemy się w Tableau, Alteryx, oraz programowaniu w R. Sprawdź nasz Blog: https://astrafox.pl/blog/ We are a customer-oriented, consulting company who helps solve business problems through the use of the latest technologies in order to build a better future. We aim to be unique with our services and to become the top team by creating new standards on the market. Our team of certified specialists understands the business needs of our clients and helps them implement their needs by using appropriate IT tools. We believe that our experience and knowledge belongs not only to us, but to our clients and their employees as well. We offer professional support and we are always available to support our customers, so they can fully explore their organizations’ technology potential. We do this by providing modern IT solutions that are the key to the success of any enterprise. Our website: http://astrafox.com 產業專長: 媒體; 零售 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; Google Big Query; R 提供的服務: Customer APIs; Data Preparation; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Custom Training Solutions 營運國家/地區: 波蘭 案例研究 |
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Azest, Inc. 在新視窗中開啟
アゼストは、サービスデザイン思考を軸に、画像、動画、データなどを直感的に分かりやすく提供し、デバイスやプラットフォームを基に、ユーザーにとって最適なビジネスツールを提供する会社です。お客様のビジネス戦略に基づいて、デバイスアプリケーションやサービスのコンサルティング、サービス統合開発、アプリケーション開発、データ分析の事業を展開しております。クラウドサービスに関しては、アマゾンウェブサービスを利用したサービスのプロトタイプ開発、プラットフォーム構築などに取り組んでいます。 營運國家/地區: 日本 案例研究 |
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BackSpace SpA 在新視窗中開啟
¿Desarrollo de dashboards?¿ETL, Data Warehouse o Big Data? ¿Analítica predictiva? Todos nuestros servicios de Business Intelligence y Advanced Analytics están diseñados pa...
¿Desarrollo de dashboards?¿ETL, Data Warehouse o Big Data? ¿Analítica predictiva? Todos nuestros servicios de Business Intelligence y Advanced Analytics están diseñados para ayudarte a transformar tus datos en información, para que puedas tomar decisiones estratégicas con visualizaciones en Tableau. 產業專長: 農業與礦業; 教育; 製造業; 金融服務; 醫療保健和生命科學; 零售; 科技 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; SAP Hana; Salesforce; R; Microsoft SQL Server; MySQL; Oracle; PostGres; SAP; SAP BW; Talend 提供的服務: Customer APIs; Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions; Advanced Analytics; Business Consulting; Systems Integrations 營運國家/地區: 安哥拉, 安地卡及巴布達, 阿根廷, 阿魯巴, 巴哈馬, 巴貝多, 貝里斯, 百慕達, 玻利維亞, 波奈、聖佑達修斯及沙巴, 開曼群島, 智利, 哥倫比亞, 哥斯大黎加, 古巴, 古拉索, 多米尼克, 多明尼加共和國, 厄瓜多爾, 薩爾瓦多, 福克蘭群島(馬爾維納斯群島), 法屬圭亞那, 格瑞那達, 瓜地洛普, 瓜地馬拉, 圭亞那, 海地, 宏都拉斯, 牙買加, 馬丁尼克, 蒙哲臘, 尼加拉瓜, 巴拿馬, 巴拉圭, 秘魯, 波多黎各, 聖巴瑟米, 聖赫勒拿、亞森欣和崔斯坦達庫尼亞, 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯, 聖露西亞, 法屬聖馬丁, 聖皮埃與密克隆群島, 聖文森及格瑞那丁, 荷屬聖馬丁, 南喬治亞和南桑威奇群島, 蘇利南, 千里達及托巴哥, 土克凱可群島, 美屬邊疆群島, 烏拉圭, 委內瑞拉玻利瓦共和國, 英屬維京群島, 美屬維京群島 |
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Bechtle Logistik & Service GmbH 在新視窗中開啟
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Beinex Consulting DWC LLC 在新視窗中開啟
A pioneer in audit analytics, risk analytics and visual data discovery space. Beinex’s mission is to transform the way individuals and the organizations work with the data t...
A pioneer in audit analytics, risk analytics and visual data discovery space. Beinex’s mission is to transform the way individuals and the organizations work with the data through innovation and experience. With 20 years of combined experience in Tableau and are led by professionals who have successfully delivered Tableau projects in the region for large private and public sector organizations, Beinex offers a broad range of robust and scalable business intelligence and analytics services to drive effective decision-making and create business value. 產業專長: 農業與礦業; 教育; 製造業; 其他; 通訊; 金融服務; 醫療保健和生命科學; 媒體; 專業人士; 公共部門; 不動產; 零售; 科技; 旅遊、運輸與餐旅 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; SAP Hana; Amazon Redshift; Google Big Query; Cloudera; Salesforce; SAS; R; Alation; Amazon Web Services; Databricks; Google Cloud Platform; Hadoop; Microsoft Azure; Microsoft Dynamics; Microsoft SQL Server; Microsoft Synapse DW; MySQL; Oracle; PostGres; Python; SAP; SAP BW; Snowflake; Talend 提供的服務: Application Development; Customer APIs; Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions 營運國家/地區: 巴林, 科威特, 阿曼, 卡達, 沙烏地阿拉伯, 阿拉伯聯合大公國 |
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BHS Kriptos Soluções de Negócio Ltda 在新視窗中開啟
A BHS Kriptos Soluções de negócio Ltda, empresa do grupo - Belo Horizonte Sistemas, com mais de 20 anos de tradição e experiência em projetos de business intelligence, porta...
A BHS Kriptos Soluções de negócio Ltda, empresa do grupo - Belo Horizonte Sistemas, com mais de 20 anos de tradição e experiência em projetos de business intelligence, portais e colaboração, gerenciamento de projetos, infraestrutura de cloud computing, fábrica de software e outsourcing de TI. A parceria com a Tableau acrescenta ao portfólio da BHS ferramentas de business analytics e self service BI que indubitavelmente auxiliarão nossos clientes a ver e entender melhor seus dados contribuindo para uma melhor tomada de decisão nos negócios. 產業專長: Financial Services; Healthcare & Life Sciences; Public Sector; Retail Technology Specializations: Alteryx 提供的服務: Application Development; Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards 營運國家/地區: 巴西 案例研究 |
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Bigxdata Inc 在新視窗中開啟
빅스데이터는 사람들이 데이터를 이용하여 더 많은 것을 보고 더 빨리 원하는 것을 이룰 수 있도록 도와 드립니다..
기업 내외부에 산재한 데이터를 빠르게 수집, 정제, 분석하고 시각화하여 빠르게 비즈니스 인사이트를 찾고 의사 결정을 할 수 있도록 글로벌 최고의 솔루션 과 다양한 경험을 가진 전문가를 통해서 최고...
빅스데이터는 사람들이 데이터를 이용하여 더 많은 것을 보고 더 빨리 원하는 것을 이룰 수 있도록 도와 드립니다.. 기업 내외부에 산재한 데이터를 빠르게 수집, 정제, 분석하고 시각화하여 빠르게 비즈니스 인사이트를 찾고 의사 결정을 할 수 있도록 글로벌 최고의 솔루션 과 다양한 경험을 가진 전문가를 통해서 최고의 서비스를 제공해 드립니다. 빅스데이터는 1999년 3월에 설립되어 국내 유수 기업의 ERP시스템, 빌링시스템, BI/DW시스템등 다양한 IT 시스템 구축과 컨설팅 경험을 가지고 있으며, 산업계 전반의 폭넓고 깊은 이해를 가진 전문 데이터 컨설턴트로 구성된 21년차 데이터 전문가 기업 입니다. 또한, 기술혁신형중소기업, 벤처기업, 서울형 강소기업이기도 합니다. 최근에는 Tableau를 이용한 빅데이터 분석 및 시각화의 컨설팅과 솔루션 제공을 주력으로 하고 있으며, 아울러 빅데이터 분석 및 시각화 리포팅 솔루션을 별도로 자체 개발하여 공공 및 금융기관 위주로 빠르게 공급하고 있습니다. 產業專長: Agriculture & Mining; Nonprofits; Education; Manufacturing; Other; Communications; Financial Services; Healthcare & Life Sciences; Media; Nonprofits; Professional Services; Public Sector; Real Estate; Retail; Technology; Travel, Transportation, & Hospitality Technology Specializations: Alteryx; Informatica; SAP Hana; Teradata; HP-Vertica; Amazon Redshift; Google Big Query; Cloudera; Salesforce; Splunk; SAS; R; Alation; Alibaba Cloud; Amazon Web Services; DataRobot; Google Cloud Platform; Impala; Maria DB; Microsoft Azure; Microsoft Dynamics; Microsoft SQL Server; MySQL; Oracle; PostGres; Python; SAP; SAP BW; Snowflake; MapR 提供的服務: Application Development; Customer APIs; Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions; Advanced Analytics; Business Consulting; Business Process Outsourcing; Data Governance; IT Consulting; Managed Services; Systems Integrations 營運國家/地區: 朝鮮民主主義人民共和國, 大韓民國 案例研究 |
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Billigence Europe 在新視窗中開啟
Billigence provides business intelligence solutions. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, with offices around the world, our agile approach to business intelligence helps you...
Billigence provides business intelligence solutions. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, with offices around the world, our agile approach to business intelligence helps you consolidate and transform data into critical business insights. As we leverage the power of technology with your business objectives, our experienced consultants strive for excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions. 產業專長: 教育; 製造業; 通訊; 金融服務; 醫療保健和生命科學; 專業人士; 零售; 科技; 旅遊、運輸與餐旅 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; R 提供的服務: Customer APIs; Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions 營運國家/地區: 阿爾巴尼亞, 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納, 保加利亞, 克羅埃西亞, 捷克, 愛沙尼亞, 匈牙利, 拉脫維亞, 立陶宛, 前南斯拉夫馬其頓共和國, 摩爾多瓦共和國, 蒙特內哥羅, 波蘭, 羅馬尼亞, 塞爾維亞, 斯洛伐克, 斯洛維尼亞 |
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Billigence Pty Ltd 在新視窗中開啟
Billigence provides business intelligence solutions. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, with offices around the world, our agile approach to business intelligence helps you...
Billigence provides business intelligence solutions. Headquartered in Sydney, Australia, with offices around the world, our agile approach to business intelligence helps you consolidate and transform data into critical business insights. As we leverage the power of technology with your business objectives, our experienced consultants strive for excellence in innovation and implementation of customer solutions. 產業專長: 教育; 製造業; 通訊; 金融服務; 媒體; 專業人士; 公共部門; 旅遊、運輸與餐旅 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; Informatica; SAP Hana; Teradata; Cloudera; Salesforce; SAS; R 提供的服務: Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards 營運國家/地區: 美屬薩摩亞, 澳洲, 英屬印度洋領地, 聖誕島, 科科斯(基林)群島, 庫克群島, 斐濟, 法屬波里尼西亞, 吉里巴斯, 馬紹爾群島, 諾魯, 新喀里多尼亞, 紐西蘭, 紐埃, 諾福克島, 北馬利安納群島, 巴布亞紐幾內亞, 皮特凱恩群島, 薩摩亞, 索羅門群島, 托克勞, 東加, 吐瓦魯, 萬那杜 案例研究 |
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Biztory 在新視窗中開啟
Biztory is a European data consultancy. We are here to help people get answers from data. Easier. Faster.
Data-driven has become the norm, something many organisations are l...
Biztory is a European data consultancy. We are here to help people get answers from data. Easier. Faster. Data-driven has become the norm, something many organisations are looking to become. Unfortunately, not many of them do. We’re here to change that, by making “becoming truly data-driven” a reality. We have extensive expertise in all the areas of your data journey. Take a deep-dive below: - Data Strategy Visit us at www.biztory.com or call: 產業專長: Agriculture & Mining; Nonprofits; Education; Other; Communications; Media; Nonprofits; Real Estate; Technology Technology Specializations: Google Big Query; Salesforce; Fivetran; Google Cloud Platform; Python; Snowflake 提供的服務: Customer APIs; Business Consulting; Systems Integrations 營運國家/地區: 愛爾蘭, 大不列顛暨北愛爾蘭聯合王國 案例研究 |
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Biztory 在新視窗中開啟
Move from data to insight to action with Europe’s leading analytics team. Biztory are deeply passionate about helping you find answers in data easier and faster. Using indus...
Move from data to insight to action with Europe’s leading analytics team. Biztory are deeply passionate about helping you find answers in data easier and faster. Using industry-leading tools like Tableau, we help you unleash the power of your most valuable assets: your data and your people. If you are looking for inspiration and collaboration on any kind of analytics — from self-service to externally-facing — then look no further! Biztory are Tableau Gold and EMEA Partner of the Year with offices across the European region, our experienced team is ready to help you. Visit us at www.biztory.com or call Belgium/Luxembourg +32 (0)2 588 17 45 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; R 提供的服務: Application Development; Customer APIs; Data Preparation; Visualization Best Practices; Building Custom Dashboards 營運國家/地區: 比利時, 盧森堡, 荷蘭 |
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BluePatagon 在新視窗中開啟
BluePatagon is leader Business Analytics company in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. Our mission is to be the partner of our customers, being a bridge between the inn...
BluePatagon is leader Business Analytics company in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Chile. Our mission is to be the partner of our customers, being a bridge between the innovation and their company’s benefit. 產業專長: 通訊; 金融服務; 媒體 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; Teradata; Amazon Redshift; SAS 提供的服務: Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions 營運國家/地區: 安哥拉, 安地卡及巴布達, 阿根廷, 阿魯巴, 巴哈馬, 巴貝多, 貝里斯, 百慕達, 玻利維亞, 波奈、聖佑達修斯及沙巴, 開曼群島, 智利, 哥倫比亞, 哥斯大黎加, 古巴, 古拉索, 多米尼克, 多明尼加共和國, 厄瓜多爾, 薩爾瓦多, 福克蘭群島(馬爾維納斯群島), 法屬圭亞那, 格瑞那達, 瓜地洛普, 瓜地馬拉, 圭亞那, 海地, 宏都拉斯, 牙買加, 馬丁尼克, 蒙哲臘, 尼加拉瓜, 巴拿馬, 巴拉圭, 秘魯, 波多黎各, 聖巴瑟米, 聖赫勒拿、亞森欣和崔斯坦達庫尼亞, 聖克里斯多福及尼維斯, 聖露西亞, 法屬聖馬丁, 聖皮埃與密克隆群島, 聖文森及格瑞那丁, 荷屬聖馬丁, 南喬治亞和南桑威奇群島, 蘇利南, 千里達及托巴哥, 土克凱可群島, 美屬邊疆群島, 烏拉圭, 委內瑞拉玻利瓦共和國, 英屬維京群島, 美屬維京群島 |
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BMB 在新視窗中開啟
BMB is a trusted global business technology advisor, specialized in delivering high availability solutions and services that span the spectrum of ICT covering the MEA, North...
BMB is a trusted global business technology advisor, specialized in delivering high availability solutions and services that span the spectrum of ICT covering the MEA, North Africa and parts of Europe. BMB’s success lies in the hand of its leading technology partners in the field of Information Technology and its highly specialized team within its Business divisions: Direct, Reach and Move. Our areas of specialties include Business Intelligence & Analytics, Smart Data Discovery, Visualization, Digital Transformation, Enterprise Content Management, Business Process Management, Workflow, Automation & E-Forms Solutions, Operational Performance Management, Enterprise Networking, Data Center and Virtualization, Network Security, Collaboration, Mobile Solutions, Field Service, Process Automation and Sales Force/Warehouse Automation. BMB is a pioneer with services ranging from Project design, Consultancy, Management, Implementation to after Sales support.BMB serves more than 2,500 leading customers worldwide and across different industries, including manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, high-tech and local government. 產業專長: 通訊; 專業人士; 科技 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; R 提供的服務: Application Development; Data Preparation; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards 營運國家/地區: 埃及, 約旦, 黎巴嫩, 沙烏地阿拉伯 |
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BMB International SAUDI ARABIA LTD 在新視窗中開啟
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BMB Tech L.L.C 在新視窗中開啟
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btProvider 在新視窗中開啟
btProvider is a professional services firm with cross domain experience such as Telecom, Banking, Oil & Gas, Retail, Government, Transportation, Online in Europe and Mid...
btProvider is a professional services firm with cross domain experience such as Telecom, Banking, Oil & Gas, Retail, Government, Transportation, Online in Europe and Middle East. One of the main domains of the organization is specialized in data visualization & analytics, statistical analysis, big data, reporting, business intelligence. btProvider services covers the end-to-end process starting with data collection, transformation, storage, analytics and visualization. We are also a Salesforce registered partner specialized in Salesforce Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud, Contact Us: 產業專長: 教育; 製造業; 通訊; 金融服務; 醫療保健和生命科學; 媒體; 專業人士; 公共部門; 零售; 科技; 旅遊、運輸與餐旅 Technology Specializations: HP-Vertica; Google Big Query; Salesforce; R 提供的服務: Customer APIs; Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions 營運國家/地區: 保加利亞, 摩爾多瓦共和國, 羅馬尼亞 案例研究 |
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Business Applications Co., Ltd. 在新視窗中開啟
BAC (Business Applications Company Limited) is a pioneer of the proficient software distributor and support provider company in Thailand since 1994.
We provide Business Int...
BAC (Business Applications Company Limited) is a pioneer of the proficient software distributor and support provider company in Thailand since 1994. We provide Business Intelligence solutions to serve your best need. Our key performances and commitments are to improve customer business performances with data. We bring the concept of analytics which everyone can use with our best support to guarantee our customer satisfactions. Our solutions are not one size fit all, we have many customer solutions including data preparation, data integration, cloud data integration, data analytics along with data visualization and dashboarding, we also help customers building data culture in their company using Tableau Blueprint and extend the use of analytics with Tableau Embedded Analytics solution. 產業專長: 金融服務; 零售 Technology Specializations: Amazon Redshift; Google Big Query 提供的服務: Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions 營運國家/地區: 孟加拉, 不丹, 巴林, 柬埔寨, 甘比亞, 印尼, 寮人民民主共和國, 馬來西亞, 緬甸, 尼泊爾, 巴基斯坦, 帛琉, 菲律賓, 斯里蘭卡, 泰國, 東帝汶, 越南 案例研究 |
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Cherry Bekaert 在新視窗中開啟
Cherry Bekaert’s Digital Advisory team is comprised of strategists, technologists, and analysts who have broad industry experience and keen business acumen. We drive importa...
Cherry Bekaert’s Digital Advisory team is comprised of strategists, technologists, and analysts who have broad industry experience and keen business acumen. We drive important change in productive and cost-effective ways by helping companies predict outcomes with data while adopting and applying relevant technologies to optimize performance. 產業專長: 非營利組織; 教育; 製造業; 金融服務; 醫療保健和生命科學; 非營利組織; 專業人士; 公共部門; 不動產; 零售; 科技 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; Amazon Web Services; Microsoft Azure; Microsoft Dynamics; Microsoft SQL Server 提供的服務: Application Development; Customer APIs; Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions; Advanced Analytics; Business Consulting; Business Process Outsourcing; Data Governance; IT Consulting; Managed Services; Systems Integrations 營運國家/地區: 美國 案例研究 |
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Coenterprise LLC 在新視窗中開啟
CoEnterprise is a leading Tableau Premier Reseller & Services Partner that helps Tableau users accelerate the time-to-value of their analytics investments. Our end-to-e...
CoEnterprise is a leading Tableau Premier Reseller & Services Partner that helps Tableau users accelerate the time-to-value of their analytics investments. Our end-to-end, enterprise analytics practice gives you the strategy, blueprint and solutions you need to gain valuable insights, answer complex business questions, make better-informed decisions, and ultimately take back control over your data—from experts you can trust. 產業專長: 教育; 製造業; 通訊; 金融服務; 醫療保健和生命科學; 媒體; 專業人士; 零售; 科技; 旅遊、運輸與餐旅 Technology Specializations: Alteryx; SAP Hana; Teradata; Amazon Redshift; R; Snowflake 提供的服務: Application Development; Data Preparation; Data Warehousing; Visualization Best Practices; Tableau Deployment & Implementation; Building Custom Dashboards; Custom Training Solutions; Advanced Analytics; IT Consulting 營運國家/地區: 美國 |
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Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation 在新視窗中開啟
Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process outsourcing services, dedicated to helping the world?s leading com...
Cognizant (NASDAQ: CTSH) is a leading provider of information technology, consulting, and business process outsourcing services, dedicated to helping the world?s leading companies build stronger businesses. Headquartered in Teaneck, New Jersey (U.S.), Cognizant combines a passion for client satisfaction, technology innovation, deep industry and business process expertise, and a global, collaborative workforce that embodies the future of work. With over 75 delivery centers worldwide and approximately 178,600 employees as of March 31, 2014, Cognizant is a member of the NASDAQ-100, the S&P 500, the Forbes Global 2000, and the Fortune 500 and is ranked among the top performing and fastest growing companies in the world. Visit us online at www.cognizant.com or follow us on Twitter: Cognizant. |
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