
Enhancing customer experience with Analytics: How IDBS is using external analytics to foster engagement

ISV companies want to go to market quickly but also want to make sure to offer strong customer experience with its products. With data at the forefront to help many customers make better decisions and the opportunity for ISVs to embed analytics into its solutions is increasingly becoming more important. 

Discover how IDBS, a leading R&D technology and solutions provider, has partnered with Tableau to integrate self-service analytics into the IDBS suite of products to empower customers with an integrated, interactive and visual analytics experience. By embedding Tableau, the IDBS Analytics platform has become a game changer in the digital transformation for its industry - ensuring everyone has access to data intelligence by streamlining the user experience. It provides their customers with a simple view, which encourages full data visualization and analytics-driven decision making. 

In this session you’ll hear:

  • The challenges IDBS were facing in the market and the opportunity they saw.
  • Why they chose to partner with Tableau’s Embedded Analytics Solution versus building one in house.
  • How analytics will bring value to their customers and the innovation IDBS see for the future.

About the speaker


Alberto Pascual

Director Data Science and Analytics, IDBS
BIO: Alberto Pascual is a Doctor in Bioinformatics with a long experience in Data Science and biomedical domains. Graduated in Computer Science, he received a PhD on Bioinformatics from the Autonomous University of Madrid. After some postdoc period, he joined the National Center for Biotechnology (CNB), leading a bioinformatics Research and Core facility group. He also co-founded Integromics, a Bioinformatics start up, in 2003. The company received the Frost and Sullivan European Bioinformatics Project of the Year Award for 2007. The company was acquired by PerkinElmer in 2014, when he served as a Senior Manager AI and Analytics Innovation, developing analytics solutions in Translational, Screening and Bioprocessing until September 2020. Currently he is the Director of Data Science and Analytics at IDBS (Danaher group) where he is responsible for developing and executing IDBS’ strategy on AI, Data Science and Analytics to deliver novel products and services to our customers in life sciences R&D markets.


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