
Build Better Tableau Dashboards, Faster

Dashboards are a valuable tool to uncover business insights within any organization. However, these insights can be lost behind dashboards that are poorly designed and difficult to interpret. In this webinar, data and analytics firm Decisive Data will break down the key elements of dashboard design with their three-step methodology that guides every dashboard they create.

Join this webinar to learn:

  • The 5 Elements of Dashboard Design: Integrity, flow, color, typeface, and charm
  • How to design intuitive dashboards that non-technical users and business stakeholders can quickly interpret
  • Common dashboard design mistakes and how to avoid them

Register and attend any of the sessions in The Vault to learn from our data experts, customers, and trusted partners as they share valuable perspectives, guided lessons, and resources on how to use your data to respond to the most important elements of the business.


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