Visualize Health 2021

On Demand Sessions

Healthcare organizations have been at the center of solving global health issues with data and digital transformation, playing a crucial role in evolving the industry. Hear inspirational stories and discussions with leaders across the industry on the impactful data-driven decisions they are making to lead transformation.

Keynote: Data Driven Healthcare with Pfizer

Debbie Reynolds, VP of Analytics Tools and Platforms at Pfizer, joins Tableau Chief Product Officer, Francois Ajenstat.

Learn more about the intersection of data culture and medicine and how Pfizer is using analytics to navigate supply chain complexities and to positively impact patients.


只有資料驅動的組織才能順利進行數位轉型。過去一年的疫情強化了一種現象 :企業如果要克服複雜的挑戰,員工就要有好奇心並具備資料探索與資料素養相關技能,才能取得深入見解。許多組織都想方設法要普遍培養員工的資料素養,也就是探索、瞭解資料以及透過資料溝通的能力。加入資料專家的行列,一起討論組織要如何制訂資料素養計畫,賦予所有員工相關能力以尋求有創意的解決方案並打造資料文化,讓組織在不斷進化的醫療照護環境中具備靈活應變的能力。

Panel Discussion: Transform Vaccine Management with Data

Vaccine management is a complex undertaking that demands collaboration and agility. Mobilizing at scale has brought many operational and logistical lessons and emphasized the need to modernize processes. Leveraging data and technology to address health equity and distribution to high-risk populations is of high importance. Hear healthcare and public health leaders discuss data’s role in achieving effective and equitable vaccine management programs.


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