Tableau Server

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The future of business intelligence

Tableau Server is a business intelligence application that provides browser-based analytics anyone can use. It’s a rapid-fire alternative to the slow pace of traditional business intelligence software.

What makes Tableau different? It's designed for everyone. There's no scripting required, so anyone can become an analytics expert. You can grow your deployment as you need it. Train online for free. Find answers in minutes, not months.

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View Tech Specs

Tech specs

System Requirements

Virtual Environments
  • VMWare | Citrix | Hyper-V | Parallels
  • Tableau’s products operate in virtualized environments when they are configured with the proper underlying operating system and hardware.

  • Our products are Unicode-enabled and compatible with data stored in any language. The interface and documentation are in English, French, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Japanese, Korean and Simplified Chinese.

關於 Tableau

Tableau 協助使用者將資料轉化為可據以採取行動的深入分析。透過視覺化分析探索無限可能。只要按幾下滑鼠,就可以建立儀表板並執行臨時分析。分享您的工作並讓您的資料發揮影響力。從全球性的企業到初期新創公司與小型公司,各地的使用者都使用 Tableau 來查看並瞭解資料。


Fast Company
Wallstreet Journal

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