provides resources to help us all get back to work safely and efficiently
Making data-driven decisions has never been more important, especially as we prepare to return to a new normal. Right now, organizations are reimagining every aspect of their business, exploring innovative new ways to serve and support customers, employees, and stakeholders. Reopening will be a journey. And no matter what industry you're in or what role you have, access to timely, detailed, and trusted information to think fast and act quickly is critical.
Tableau is uniquely positioned to help organizations through this crisis. Over the past few months, businesses and communities have used our COVID-19 Data Hub to access trusted data and to keep their constituents informed. As businesses now start to analyze how to get back to work the stakes are even higher for accurate data and speedy analysis. Today, we are joining, announced by Salesforce. offers an all-new suite of apps, expertise, and services designed specifically to help business and community leaders reopen safely, reskill employees, and respond efficiently to this new world ahead of us.
Tableau is an integral part of the new Command Center - a digital hub for executives to assess and accelerate employee and workforce readiness. The Command Center also features our COVID-19 Global Tracker, created in collaboration with experts from the Tableau Community. With interactive Tableau visualizations embedded inside the Command Center, executives have a single source of truth to critical public health information to help them make better informed decisions related to returning to work.
St. Mary’s Bank leans on data to manage through crisis and move forward
A wonderful example of an organization that is using data to shine right now is St. Mary’s Bank, the first credit union in the U.S. Maintaining excellent service to customers remains a top priority for the 100-year-old credit union during the COVID-19 pandemic. They recently shared with us how they are managing through forced closures, and more importantly how they are taking this as an opportunity to rethink the way they do business. St. Mary’s Bank set up a virtual home environment for contact center representatives, handled an increase in credit union loan applications, and offered expanded support at drive-up teller stations to serve members. Through all of these adjustments, they’ve relied on data to guide the response.
We are here to help
Organizations like St. Mary’s Bank are not only responding to the crisis, they are using it as an opportunity to build stronger connections with their customers and employees and stakeholders, and thinking about how to get back to work and grow in this new economy. One of the big ways they are leading through the change is by using data.
We share stories like these because “business as usual” just won’t do anymore; agility is required for survival. You need to be ready to redeploy resources and change processes. You need to communicate with your customers and provide them with offers that are relevant and helpful. You need to move with speed; making a great decision too late is the same as making a bad decision. You need to make sure your data is comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date in order to get a full picture.
We built Tableau to help anyone connect to and analyze any data and share the results with their colleagues. We believe that by making advanced analytics more approachable, we can help every decision be more data-informed. We believe self-service analytics democratizes data, giving everyone access to the data and insights they need to make better decisions and share them across your whole organization to keep everyone informed and engaged.
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