Featured Authors: Back to School Edition

We are thrilled to introduce our new cohort of Featured Authors—a group comprised of students from around the globe who are learning and practicing valuable data visualization skills.

We are thrilled to introduce our new cohort of Featured Authors—a group comprised of students from around the globe who are learning and practicing valuable data visualization skills. Don’t miss the chance to explore their incredible work and connect with them. 

The Tableau for Students Program offers students and accredited instructors a free Tableau license, eLearning, and discounted certification exams to help develop their data skills. Share these free resources with the students in your life, from undergraduate to MBA, and learn more about how Tableau supports data literacy at accredited institutions by visiting Tableau Academic Programs

Ashwin Shankar is pursuing a master's in sustainable energy at TU Denmark. His Tableau journey began in 2020 after being inspired by Hans Rosling's Ted Talk on data visualization. He enjoys participating in Tableau Community Projects like #MakeoverMonday, #SportsVizSunday, and Back 2 Viz Basics (#B2VB). He also learns directly from vizzes on Tableau Public—which allows him to communicate data in an efficient way in his study projects. He’s had one Viz of the Day and also participated in the finals of the Student Data Viz Challenge 22' hosted by EDHEC University. He wants to learn more, get better, and put his skills to good practice in the corporate world. Connect with Ashwin on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Bhagyashri Patil is pursuing a master's in big data analytics at the San Diego State University, California. She has worked as a Data Scientist and has been using Tableau since 2015. Community Projects such as #MakeoverMonday have helped improve her data analytics skills. Tableau Public allows her to learn new ways of visualizing data and connecting with data enthusiasts. She loves vizzing social and environmental issues and likes to paint and practice yoga in her free time. Connect with Bhagyashri on LinkedIn.

Charlotte R-H. Ku is a second-year master’s student in Business Analytics at George Washington University. She started her Tableau Public journey in July 2022 after coming across Prithak K Bhattacharyya’s profile and discovering several Community Projects. She started with the #B2VB challenge and was impressed by how supportive and talented the DataFam is on Twitter. She hopes to help data viz lovers with some tips and feedback. What she enjoys the most about Tableau Public is that it allows her to be both an analyst and an artist while telling non-technical folks great data stories. Connect with Charlotte on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Gladens Popoola is a computer science undergraduate who discovered Tableau in 2020 and joined Tableau Public in 2021 after she was introduced to #MakeoverMonday. Tableau Public provides her the space and opportunity to share her data visualizations with others and get feedback. Her favorite part of Tableau Public is connecting with the amazing, inclusive, and very welcoming DataFam. She can be found vizzing at home or at school. Connect with Gladens on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Kavin Kumar G is a Computer Science engineering student who is passionate about data visualization and UI/UX designing. He started using Tableau Public in 2020 inspired by his brother Pradeep Kumar G (a 2021 Iron Viz Finalist!). He regularly participates in Community Projects like #MakeoverMonday, #Viz2Educate, and #SportsVizSunday. He's received three Viz of the Days and presented a session at Tableau Buddy Talks. He loves to create beautiful vizzes with Tableau and takes a lot of his inspiration from the DataFam—who have helped him to develop his data visualization skills. Connect with Kavin on Twitter and Linkedin.

Li CHEN is a Tableau Student Ambassador and a master's student at EDHEC Business School, majoring in Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence. She discovered Tableau in 2021 and won the second prize in the Student DataViz Challenge 2022 with her Under 24 Mortality Rate & Deaths viz. She gets her inspiration from the DataFam on Tableau Public as well as creative insights into specific fields such as social and sales operations. Connect with Li on LinkedIn.

Vivek Gupta is a data analyst who works with Tableau, SQL, and Python. He is a computer science graduate and currently pursuing an MBA at SAGE University. He started creating data visualizations on Tableau Public in 2022. He creates dashboards that provide business insights to help with the decision-making process and for his portfolio. Tableau Public provides a place to share his work and a source of inspiration. He credit's the community's support, honest feedback, and knowledge sharing as invaluable during the start of his career. His favorite topics to viz about are finance, IT, and human resources. Connect with Vivek on LinkedIn.

Yoshinobu Nitabaru is a student at Fukuoka University in Japan. He started using Tableau Public in 2021 and is passionate about analyzing topics related to music and commerce. Tableau Public enables him to express his creativity through data visualization and to connect with people around the world. He’s been featured in the DataFam Roundup and sees the strong community in Japan as a source of motivation and inspiration. Connect with Yoshinobu Nitabaru on Twitter.

We are inspired by the time and energy each author has invested into their Tableau Public profile. Whether you're learning Tableau for the first time, or want to improve your data visualization skills, consider connecting with these authors to collaboratively learn data analytics. 

Want to add top Tableau talent to your team? Check out these authors' profiles and see if they’re available for work. With the Hire Me feature, you're just one click away from starting a conversation.

Looking for some extra inspiration? Subscribe to Viz of the Day, search Tableau Public, or visit the Tableau Public homepage to see the latest and greatest. Also, do you know about this personalization hack? If you sign in and start following authors, you'll see custom content curated just for you. 

Ready to join the DataFam but unsure of where to start? Read our Tableau Public Beginner's Guide with step-by-step instructions for creating a free data visualization profile on Public in seconds. You’re just a few clicks away from learning or improving your data skills, getting inspired, and so much more. Let’s go!