The Devs Put Tableau 6.0 through Its Paces
The audience – well fed on salmon, steak and crab salad – might have been looking forward to a lazy afternoon of slow digestion, but instead the Tableau dev team jolted them awake, showing off one new jaw dropping feature of Tableau 6.0 after another.
“Who in their right mind puts developers on stage,” said Tableau developer Justin Rockwood, taking the podium. “Developers think things are cool that customers don’t.”
But not this time. Not with Tableau. The dev team proceeded to prove Justin wrong again and again as they introduced new Tableau 6.0 features to thunderous cheering:
- Page History: Shows a visual history of your data.
- Data Engine: Brings unprecedented speed to your queries.
- Data Integration: Analyzes disparate data sources in a single visualization.
- Table Calculations: Uses enhanced capabilities for more robust, easier to use calculations.
- Combination Charts: Adds different mark types to a single chart (like a combination line-bar chart).
- Guided Analytics: Shares parameters across all sheets and data sources in a workbook.
“Oh my god, we’re going to be heroes” said one customer when she saw the new features in action and realized what they would mean for her company. “I want to go upstairs and play with my own data.”
A group of employees from First Choice Power, a relatively small company with big data needs, huddled after the presentation and were barely able to contain their excitement:
- “It was awesome.”
“Especially the speed.”
“And the calculation.”
“This is a giant leap for Tableau.”
“We need 6.0 bad!”
And they had only gotten a taste of Tableau 6.0’s features.
“There’s a lot more – it’s a massive release,” said Chris Stolte, Tableau’s Chief Development Officer.
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