Charlotte: Double the Users, Double the Fun
Last year when the first user group meeting was held in Charlotte, there were about 20 users. This year, we got 40. Charlotte users were pumped, and 6.1 certainly didn't disappoint.
Even though the new features of 6.1 are evidently all welcome additions, there are always certain feautures that seem to speak to certain users more. In Australia, users embraced the addition of Australian geocoding options. Here in Charlotte, it seemed that incremental extracts and the ability to localize workbooks were the major hits.
The mobile iPad demo was met with equal enthusiasm. "You don't have to optimize anything? It just works? That's great!"
It is great, you author once, even for multiple platforms!
And naturally, the always exciting awarding of the iPad! Congratulations to April Johnson who gets to take it home.
We're also always on the lookout for creative uses of the "Tableau is..." field on the nametags. This might be our favorite so far.
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