en-japan recognizes “achievements and challenges [they] could not see before"

en -japan Inc. provides its users with recruitment services and support as they transition to a new job. The company runs more than 10 websites for their enterprise customers and users. Ms. Ryoko Minowa is a part of the Digital Development Division. She analyzes website data to increase overall traffic. In this video, she talks about the positive changes they experienced after introducing Tableau:

  • Reduced data preparation time
  • Aggregation that took dozens of minutes to process every morning is now processed in seconds
  • Efficient stationary measurement is now possible with reduced human error
  • Issues and achievements that they could not see before are now visible

Tableau: What would your job be like without Tableau? Ryoko Minowa, Digital Development Division: Without Tableau, the stories we want to tell become clumsy and circumlocutory, and we cannot make decisions quickly. Tableau: How has Tableau changed things? Ms. Minowa: With Tableau, it is not only problems that we can make visible but the employees making efforts and working hard in the line. Tableau also reduced a great amount of our workload that we needed for reporting and aggregate calculations. We can now use that time to focus on analysis. These are the benefits of use of Tableau. Tableau: Tell us more about en-japan. Ms. Minowa: Our main business is to offer recruiting information and services after (an employee) begins with a company. Our business is to connect the company demanding talented people and the users who want to get a job using our job offer site. Tableau: What does your job involve? Ms. Minowa: We have been operating more than 10 sites for corporations and users, and I have been overseeing analysis about attracting customers. Tableau: Was there a particular problem you were facing? Ms. Minowa: We have various data sources such as SQL Server and Google Analytics, but there was the problem that we have to unify because each managers have been reporting from his or her own viewpoint. I had a mission to unify the disordered data. As I understood the result that could be had from Tableau—which I used in former company—I decided to introduce it. Tableau: What encouraged you and your organization to check out Tableau? Ms. Minowa: We have used SQL Server with other BI tools in daily routine duties every morning. And we spent several tens of minutes for it, but we are able to shorten to only several seconds. With Google Analytics, we are able to report on multiple accounts with the same format by making one kind of report. We are able to do fixed point observation efficiently guaranteeing quality without any human error. We are able to analyze the factors contributing to a problem and solve the problem effectively by using this. Because we know that when some problems happen in a specific site, we would have internal factor and when similar problems happen in plural sites, we would have external factors. Tableau: What’s next for your company and Tableau? Ms. Minowa: After visualizing what we hadn't known before, I wanted to share it with many people. So I wanted to design an infrastructure that could make this possible. Therefore, I have been considering Tableau Server. Tableau: What’s your impression of Tableau? Ms. Minowa: I think quick processing or making reports with a unified template are also probably possible with other BI tools. The biggest reason why I choose Tableau is visualization. I think that there is no meaning if we do not have it seen—even if there is a lot of data and splendid discovery. We have to show it beautifully and definitely to have it seen. Tableau specializes in this. Tableau: What do you recommend to others considering Tableau? Ms. Minowa: As it can make wonderful reports and dashboards easily without any special and advanced skill in analysis and design, I would like to recommend (Tableau to) other people having similar problems.

As job labor is reduced a lot, the major advantage is the ability to concentrate on analysis—because we had been spending a lot of time on reporting.