7 种您需要自助报告的迹象及其对 IT 的意义

Malia Hardin, Senior Product Marketing Manager

如果您是 IT 主管,您应了解如何才能提供组织所需的基础架构。防弹安全、坚定不移的一致性以及海量数据管理,都需要您来处理。



如果对以下这 7 种场景中的任一种感到熟悉,则您已为自助式商业智能做好准备:

  1. 主管人员需要提供分析信息
  2. 无休止的报告请求队列
  3. 报告需求不断增加
  4. 旧数据让人受挫
  5. 需要混聚数据
  6. 要求可视化分析
  7. 已实施自助式商业智能

请阅读此白皮书,全面了解该列表,最为重要的是了解其对 IT 的意义。

随着分析需求的不断增加,IT 主管面临的压力越来越大。如果对这 7 种迹象中的任一种感到熟悉,则可引入自助报告和 BI。(Tableau)

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Malia Hardin

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Malia spends her time at Tableau focused on content marketing that highlights how customers use Tableau to impact their organizations. Before joining Tableau, Malia led product marketing for IBM's data integration, data quality, and master data management products then developed growth plans for emerging market countries. She's also worked in venture capital, consulting, and investment banking. Malia earned her M.B.A. at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and her B.A. at Wellesley College. @maliahardin