
How to leverage a remotely working organization

One of the biggest challenges we have all experienced during the COVID-19 nationwide lockdowns is the migration to fully remote work. As businesses plan for the future, it is important to understand the impact of company-wide remote work and how to revise strategy around those changes. BetterCloud analyzed their own company data to identify the ways that work has changed. Join Shaun Chaudhary, Director of Data & Analytics at BetterCloud, to hear the major conclusions from their analysis and how you can plan ahead.

Watch this webinar to learn about:

  • Using Tableau to monitor work-from-home trends at your organization
  • How the removal of a daily commute affects routine
  • The rising importance of democratizing data
  • How BetterCloud refines their strategy as new trends emerge

View the slide deck >

This is a part of the four-part webinar series: Leaning into data during the pandemic

About the speaker


Shaun Chaudhary

Director of Data and Analytics, BetterCloud

Shaun Chaudhary is the Director of Data & Analytics at BetterCloud. He has been at BetterCloud for over 4 years and was one of the founding members of their Data Team. Prior to BetterCloud, Shaun worked in the financial-technology space at Novus Partners. He holds a dual degree from Northwestern University in Mathematical Methods in the Social Sciences and Economics. In his spare time, Shaun loves to travel around the world and play with his dog Bruno.


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