
Better Banking - How Enterprise Intelligence Unlocks Banking Performance

“Enterprise intelligence is the ability to bring data from anywhere - from inside, from outside. Being able to create trusted, relevant insights and drive those into products, into services, into experience, into the flow of work. And the ability to continuously learn and improve from data and insight.” Neil Ward-Dutton, IDC

Better Banking

Featured Speakers:

Neil Ward-Dutton - VP AI and Automation Practices, IDC Europe

Matthew Hobbs - Managing Director, Financial Services, Accenture

Anna Bratton - AVP, Financial Services, Salesforce

Alan Davidson, RVP, Financial Services, Tableau


Banks aren’t unique in being challenged, but they do have some unique challenges. In the UK, banks are navigating a perpetual state of change both politically and economically. Not only has the UK seen three prime ministers appointed in 2022, but banks are also in frontline in dealing with the economic impact of the 3 I’s:

  • Inflation
  • Interest Rates and
  • Invasion in Ukraine

In this uncertain climate, banking leaders are laser focused on achieving the right business outcomes to create value.

This makes data and analytics a board-level priority.

In this panel, hear from experts from IDC, Accenture, and Salesforce as we share lessons from our mutual banking clients who have transitioned from using data analytics purely for reports and dashboards, to achieving transformational business outcomes through enterprise intelligence.

We showcase the use cases which have helped them improve revenue, time to market, customer experience, operations and return on investment. We give examples of those that have used data and analytics to identify serious compliance risks, iteratively improve operational processes and even advance careers.

Listen to learn how enterprise intelligence works in practice and what banks need to do to really move the needle with data and analytics.



