

借助精心规划的仪表板,企业领导者、知识型员工就能实时提出并解答问题,将获得的真知灼见付诸实践,并启发真正的创新。 此网络讲座由三部分组成,介绍如何构建令人信服、信息丰富、充满灵感的仪表板,以及应该避免的做法。



标题 时长
What is a dashboard, anyway?
What is a dashboard? And does it matter? Should a dashboard fit one screen? Should it provide instant insight? Should it be interactive? In this webinar, Andy Cotgreave will challenge the...
60 分钟
哪些元素会不经意地引起了你的注意? Tableau 进行了多项眼动追踪研究,以更好地了解这种行为。 加入此次网络讲座,我们将讨论一些特定的设计元素如何影响人们看仪表板的方式。我们的顾问将与您分享我们收集的令人兴奋的眼动追踪数据,并将其提炼成设计技巧,以帮助您制作更有效的仪表板。 此讲座是 如何构建信息丰富、兼具说服力与吸引力的仪表板网络研讨会系列一部分,...
Dashboards for insight and impact
Citing real-life case studies from their book, The Big Book of Dashboards, three data visualization experts will share their proven best practices, based on over 30 years of hands-on experience,...
49 分钟
如何用 Tableau 进行演讲展示
习惯了用 PowerPoint 进行演讲展示码?PowerPoint不是你唯一的选择。 参加这次演讲,您将了解: - 如何运用 Tableau 进行演讲展示, - 如何改变固有思维和演讲方法 - 最佳案例实践 此讲座是 如何构建信息丰富、兼具说服力与吸引力的仪表板网络研讨会系列一部分,欢迎报名更多讲座。
62 分钟
Design tricks for great dashboards
Successful dashboards require you to think like a designer. In this webinar, Andy Cotgreave will look at ideas and theories from the world of design, and show how you can apply them to your...
41 分钟
Eye Tracking: What it teaches us about dashboard design
Join Tableau User Researcher, Amy Alberts, and Data Visualization Expert, Andy Cotgreave, as they discuss how certain design elements affect where people look on dashboards.
60 分钟
Dead-end dashboards and how to avoid them
Learn how to evolve your business intelligence investments beyond dead-end dashboards and towards data-informed decisions.
54 分钟
Making charts and dashboards for meetings
You know the feeling. You’re in a meeting and the slides are terrible. Attend this webinar and learn how to design charts and dashboards for the big screen that make people lean in, not out.
62 分钟