Global Health


Transmit data and results to the people who need to see them

Every day, millions of people are tested and treated for infectious diseases—but what happens to their test results is not always clear. SystemOne’s tech ensures that no critical diagnostic information falls through the cracks.

Partnership start date: 2018

Total funding committed: $86,340

Sustainable Development Goals:

  • Good Health and Well-Being (3)
  • Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (9)

Region: Global


What they do
In remote or unconnected parts of the world, data from medical devices can be slow to reach the clinicians and health workers who need to analyze it. SystemOne develops software that integrates with diagnostic devices to transmit results to a centralized server, enabling health workers to track patient outcomes and the spread of disease.

What our partnership does
Millions of data points flow through SystemOne’s network. Through a Data Fellowship launched in partnership with Tableau Foundation, delegates from a number of countries will visualize the performance of their local tuberculosis programs and identify critical areas for improvement.

Explore the latest about SystemOne

Partnering to improve the use of data in the fight against TB

The TB Data Fellowship Program—a joint effort between SystemOne at Tableau Foundation—will enable experts in South Africa, Mozambique, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Bangladesh and Ethiopia to better analyze and respond to data around tuberculosis.

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