Finding the (not so) Elusive Bigfoot!
Have you ever seen Bigfoot? If not, you might be missing out, because 3,781 people have--at least they've reported seeing him. Take a look at this viz to see where people have reported seeing the legendary beast, with data courtesy of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization. Bet you didn't know they were real too.
This viz is comes from Ryan Robitaille (, who's also made some rather fun Metallica-related vizes. It's great on many levels. For one, it's beautiful, with strong colors and a neatly organized format. But it also is a great example of a whimsical data set turning into a fun story. What you can create in Tableau is truly limited only by the kind of data you've got--even if it's about mythical creatures.
We've made some changes to the viz to fit our blog. Check out the original here.
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