
Personalizing User Experience with Embedded Analytics

Papaya Global is serious about BI. This unicorn startup focuses on global payroll solutions, recently valued at $3.7 billion, and launched Tableau in 2020 to drive a better user experience to their hundreds of customers, including Toyota and Microsoft. They have since multiplied their active users 10 fold and developed embedded dashboards on everything from payroll analytics to gender and pay equity. In this session, you will hear how Itzik Polad, VP of BI & Business Applications at Papaya, led his team to map out customer needs into personalized Tableau dashboards and monetized their solution to a global executive customer base during a period of hyper growth. Q+ A to follow.

About the speaker

Itzik Polad

Itzik Polad

VP, BI & Business Applications, Papaya Global

Itzik oversees the BI and Data Analytics Department at Papaya Global, in charge of the company's data warehouse and BI tools, providing solutions to Services, Operations, Manufacturing, Go-To-Market, Finance and Management.


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