Act fast with AI-powered analytics

Make business decisions that save time and money with personalized, contextual, and intelligent insights from AI-generated responses and AI-driven predictions.

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4 Best Practices Data Strategy Guide

Get the step-by-step guide to creating a foundation of trusted data for business transformation.

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Make great decisions fast with contextualized, personalized, and smart insights.

Interpret trends and distill insights from data using AI-generated responses and AI-driven predictions.
Libby Hickey

Simply by centralising our data, Tableau Pulse provides us with easy-to-use insights and visualisations that can streamline our business and save us millions.

Get value from data + AI.

Data Basics Everyone Should Know

AI Adoption Video Series

Unlocking Business Value with AI-powered Data Analytics

Get More out of Excel with Visual Analytics

The State of Data and Analytics Report

We surveyed over 10,000 analytics, IT, and business leaders for insights on data management and decision making in the age of artificial intelligence. Discover the insights.

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Still sparkling.

Tableau is a Gartner®️ Magic Quadrant™️ Leader for the 12th year.

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