
3 Payer Use Cases in 45 Minutes: Actionable Analytics for Open Enrollment

Open enrollment is around the corner and with this operationally intensive time near, Tableau wants to highlight how actionable analytics can help. With dashboards you can create visibility into real time call center operations and performance metrics, predict physician network adequacy and communicate cost and utilization detail with employer members via a self-service experience.

Join us for three fast paced, timely use case sessions to get you equipped for dominating open enrollment.

  • Open Enrollment Visibility & Reporting in the Call Center: Healthcare coverage is a critical service and with so much change call centers are preparing to be swamped during this highly intensive time. With the right AI and analytics tools, your team can see real time into call center operations, improve CSAT scores and reduce abandonment rates. And this is just the beginning.
  • Using Ai to Predict Physician Network Adequacy: A health plan’s ability to deliver the benefits promised and provide access to physician options and health care services is essential to the patient and member experience. This session shows how to use data to achieve network adequacy and how payers can use intelligence to effectively onboard new members.
  • Arming Customers with Cost and Utilization Self Serve Tools post Open enrollment: In an on demand world we want to empower customers with access to customized intelligence. This session will illustrate how self service tools can foster improved trust and partnership with Employer plans. Communicate cost and member utilization all on a secure, easy to use, self service platform.


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